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Invite Your Bot

This guide will explain how to add your bot to your server.

First, visit the Discord Dev Portal and head on over to the OAuth2 tab.

OAuth2 Tab

Once there, locate the "OAuth2 URL Generator" section and select all necessary scopes. For all Discord Bots, select the bot scope and if you have slash commands on your bot, then also select the applications.commands scope, if you are unsure if your bot has slash commands or want to implement them in the future, just select it just in case.

OAuth2 URL Generator

Once you have selected the scopes, scroll down to the new area available and select your bot's permissions based on what you want it to do. For your bot to be able to do anything, just select the Administrator scope.

Bot Permissions

Now we are done, just copy the GENERATED URL at the bottom and paste it in a new tab to add your bot to your server and share the link with your friends if you want them to add your bot as well.

Generated URL

Last updated